Add e-mail setting field to WPJM Resume

    add_filter('resume_manager_settings', 'bk_add_email_resumes');

function bk_add_email_resumes( $settings ){
  $settings['resume_submission'][1][] = array(
    'name' 		=> 'resume_manager_email_notifications',
    'std' 		=> '',
    'label' 	=> __( 'E-Mail Addresses To Be Notified', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ),
    'desc'		=> __( 'Instead of the admin, bother these folks instead.', 'wp-job-manager-resumes' ),
    'type'      => 'input'
  return $settings;

add_filter( 'resume_manager_new_resume_notification_recipient', 'bk_apply_my_setting' );
function bk_apply_my_setting( $email ){
  $option = get_option('resume_manager_email_notifications');
  if ( $option ) {
    return $option;
  return $email;

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