How can I export listing permalinks as part of the export CSV file in WordPress?

 * Export listing url in CSV file.
function wpsc_gd_snippet_200814_export_posts_csv_row( $post_info, $post_ID, $post_type ) {
	$post_info['post_url'] = get_permalink( $post_ID );
	return $post_info;
add_filter( 'geodir_export_posts_csv_row', 'wpsc_gd_snippet_200814_export_posts_csv_row', 20, 3 );
function wpsc_gd_snippet_200814_export_posts_csv_columns( $columns, $post_type ) {
	$columns[] = 'post_url';
	return $columns;
add_filter( 'geodir_export_posts_csv_columns', 'wpsc_gd_snippet_200814_export_posts_csv_columns', 20, 2 );

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