Custom Post Type

How to add parent slug to CPT URL in WordPress?

WordPress Development

How can I get a post or page’s title by its ID in WordPress?

Data Export and CSV Integration

How can I export listing permalinks as part of the export CSV file in WordPress?

WordPress Customization Tips

How do I get the page slug in WordPress using the get_post_field function in WordPress?

WordPress Customization Tips

How can I update a post programmatically in WordPress using PHP?

WordPress Tips and Tricks

How to show X results on the search results page in WordPress?


How to Change the home link to a different URL in WordPress?

WordPress Customization Tips

How can I disable image scaling in WordPress using PHP?

Custom Post Type

How to Display the Page/Post Title in PHP?


How to Stop Generating Invoices for Free Packages in WooCommerce?

Users & Roles

How can I create a shortcode to display the user ID of any profile page in WordPress?

Advanced Custom Fields

How to Replace the “Username” Placeholder Text in Form?


How can I stop automatic JPEG compression in WordPress?